Posts tagged ‘tooth loos’

Dentures-Mini Dental Implants

Sometimes our teeth and their roots become irreparably damaged and have to be removed. Because teeth are such an important part of the body, their loss can have an emotional as well a functional impact on some people. Lost teeth can be replaced by natural looking replacements that can be fixed or removable. When multiple teeth are to be replaced a complete or partial denture may be recommended. Replacement teeth that are natural looking need to be considered by the patient to help alleviate any fears, anxiety, or other emotions.
Dental implants are a possible alternative to dentures or partial dentures. Implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically anchored into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or a bridge in place or to stabilize a denture.
Procedural advancements also include the development of narrower “mini” implants. Talk with your dentist to see whether dentures and/or mini-dental implants are right for you.